Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Her new thing...

Olivia has started pursing her lips a lot. I'm not sure what started this, but she loves to purse her lips all the time. It's really cute!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

14 months old

Olivia is 14 months old...I can't believe it!
She has such a fun personality, she really likes to be silly and make you laugh.
She is really trying to talk a lot more, her vocabulary seems to grow each day.
These are some of the words that she says clearly:
mom, dad, hi, bye bye, all done, dog, go, no, eye, nose, & toes
These are some words that are clear to us, but probably not to everyone else:
Jesus, down, tree, baby, book, duck, head, light and hat

Friday, September 11, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We had a fun Labor Day weekend. We went to Central Park and found this great water playground...Olivia absolutely loved it, but it wasn't her favorite part of the holiday. We gave Olivia ice cream for the first time, it was actually frozen coconut milk since Olivia is allergic to dairy. I thought she would eat a little bit of the ice cream and that was it...I was wrong. Not only did she snatch Matthew's cone from him when he offered her a lick, but she sat on the steps and devoured every ounce of the ice cream and cone. She loved it!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Summer of Fun!

We have had a lot of fun with family this summer. Olivia has really enjoyed seeing all of her extended family.

We went to Raleigh and hung out with the Dickson's for a few days. Olivia enjoyed playing with her cousins Reed and Max.

Grandmother came and visited Olivia a few times this summer. Olivia always enjoys when grandmother comes.

Olivia had a great time at the Lambert family reunion in Utah. She loved being around the whole Lambert clan. We were all up at Aspen Grove and Olivia loved walking around saying "hi" to everyone. One of the camp workers came up to me and said they had never seen such a friendly little girl...I would have to agree she is very friendly.

Our last summer trip was to Long Beach, where Olivia was able to see all of my family in California. She had a great time playing with everyone...unfortunately I didn't have my camera in Long Beach, so I guess we will have to go back so I can record the fun.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


We all had a wonderful time at Joe and Emily's wedding, especially Olivia.

Olivia spent alot of the night on the dance floor. She danced the night away. Her signature move was bouncing up and down while slightly leaning was really cute.
She really enjoyed dancing with all of the other flower girls, they were so sweet to her.

Another big event at the reception was Olivia took her first steps. She had been standing and taking a few steps at a time for months, but it was on the dance floor that she stood up and started walking around by herself for the first time.