Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

We sure are grateful that we are all safe from the hurricane. Our neighborhood took a hit though, and we are sad to have lost the girls' favorite playground.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

9 months

9 months has come and gone for Lyla, but I wanted to remember a few things that she loved at this age.

Lyla loves to help re-organize shelves, closets and pretty much anywhere she can be of help, she is very fast at throwing everything on the floor.

Lyla finally decided she would join the crawling club, I honestly thought she would skip crawling and go right to walking, but she found a good enough incentive to give crawling a try. We were playing together on the floor, Lyla saw an Elmo doll on the other side of the rug and so she hopped onto her hands and knees and crawled over and got the doll...she has been crawling ever since.

Lyla is a good eater, she seems happy to eat most food you give her. She definitely prefers veggies and proteins over fruits... her two favorite are avacados and asparagus.