Monday, March 29, 2010

Sports Fan

Last week when Olivia told me she was leaving to the city to go to work, I asked her what work she did in the city. She told me she plays ball and throws in hoop. I asked her if she was a professional basketball player, she said yes. She has also described to me that she is a professional baseball player and soccer player. I think this girl must like sports!

Friday, March 19, 2010

St. Patricks Day

Olivia was excited to go to the St. Patricks Day parade after I explained to her that there were going to be a lot marching bands playing instruments and making music. There were soooooo many people walking to the parade and it was a really rowdy crowd so we decided to listen to a couple bands that were warming up down the road. After they finished we thought that would satisfy Olivia's parade experience and headed for the park. Olivia immediately started to say "go to music, go to music." She was so excited to see more bands we decided to join the big crowd.
The crowd, which was 99% college students took a turn for the worse so we found another side street and listened to more bands warming up. We listened to some men playing the bagpipes and Olivia loved it.
Olivia waving to the band

Matthew and Olivia

Matthew was looking out the window and called Olivia over and said "Look at the boat on the river." Olivia went over to the window and said "a barge, a barge." I looked out the window and Olivia was right, it wasn't a boat on the river it was a barge.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Olivia loves to pretend. She loves tea parties and picnics in our living room with her stuffed animals. She enjoys being a mom to her doll. Last night when she was going to sleep I heard her singing "twinkle twinkle little star" in her crib and she was putting her doll to sleep the same way we put her to sleep.
She likes to pretend she is in a marching band. Everyone present must participate in the parade. She gathers all her musical instruments and we march around the kitchen island playing our instruments.
Olivia also likes to pretend she is a new born baby. She will tell me "like a baby, like a baby" and wants me to cradle her in my arms and feed her a bottle.
Olivia's favorite thing to do is to pretend she is going somewhere (usually work or the city). She tells me she is going to get her stroller and doll, she asks for her hat and shopping bags and goes through the house saying good bye to everyone and then heads for the door. She never goes past the door, but will usually come back and tell everyone good-bye again and then back to the door. She will repeat this again and again. Her favorite part of this game is for us to beg her not to go and pretend to cry...she thinks it is so funny!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Olivia asked me for a toothpick the other night. I gave her one and watched to see what she was going to do with it. She walked over to her booster seat (where she eats every meal) and used the toothpick to deep clean the crevices around the buckle while saying "dirty, dirty." She actually did a very good job and now her booster seat is sparkling clean.