Saturday, May 15, 2010
Going to sleep
After we finish Olivia's bed time routine I wait outside her door until she falls asleep. Once Olivia is alone in her room she likes to talk to herself about anything and everything. Every night she goes through a long list of people who are sleeping, "Joe is sleeping, Ruby is sleeping,..." She always includes all of her family- her grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins and her friends. Her sleeping list seems to get longer and longer. Tonight she included all of the handymen and doormen who work in our building to the list. She then added some random items to the sleeping list, such as the BYU cougar, dirt, bugs, popsicles and the mop. After she was sure that everyone and everything was sleeping she sang two rounds of "America the Beautiful" (just the last part). Then she reminded herself that her nose hurt and as she was contemplating if she needed medicine she drifted off to sleep. I absolutely love to hear Olivia's ramblings, she makes me laugh every night.