Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Grand Junction
We had a very busy summer, during the last month we took 11 different flights. Our travels began with a trip to Grand Junction to visit Nana and Papa and meet up with my sisters and all of Olivia's cousins. Olivia had really been looking forward to seeing her cousins.
We took a day trip up to the mountains to go fishing. Olivia said she was excited to touch one of the worms, but had a quick change of heart when we opened the container of squirming worms.
Olivia tried her luck at catching a fish with her dad's help, but the fish weren't biting.
It sure was beautiful up there and despite the fact that no one caught any fish, everyone had a fun time.
All the girls taking a break together, enjoying the beautiful surroundings.
One of the highlights of this trip for Olivia was running outside in the middle of a rain storm. All the kids had so much fun getting soaked and chasing each other.